Amazon’s No-Rush Rewards

Amazon’s Prime membership comes with a lot of perks. So many, that it actually can be difficult to tap into them all. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. 🙂

So what’s this No-Rush Rewards about?

When you purchase any Prime item, you have the option of keeping your membership’s included 2-day shipping OR selecting No-Rush Shipping (which on average is 5 to 7 days.)

Each time you select this option, Amazon awards you a $1 digital credit that can be used on a variety of digital media. 

Buying a gift for a birthday at the end of the month? Picking up some early Christmas gifts? Buying a bathing suit that you won’t need until Spring Break? Select No-Rush shipping and you will be surprised at how fast your digital dollars will add up. 

No-Rush rewards can be used on a ton of different digital items, including Kindle e-books (you don’t need a Kindle to take advantage, just download the app to your phone or tablet), renting or buying movies or TV shows on Amazon Prime Video, buying songs or albums on Amazon music and buying Amazon apps and games! 

But here’s a tip — these credits DO expire. This leads to the question we get asked a lot – how do I check my balance? 

1. Open the app on your phone and go to “Your Account”

2. Scroll down to the subheading titled, Amazon Wallet and select “No-rush reward balance”
3. And here’s your balance! Spend that $$$ (and pay attention to that expiration date!)
*To learn more about No-Rush Shipping, check out what Amazon has to say here

*For a free 30-day trial of Amazon Prime click here

As Amazon Affiliates we earn a small commission on select purchases. 


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